Hi, this is planetblox2000 here with another blogMINECRaft hunger games: Tips tip 1: If you are teaming with someone, share your stuff out evenly.. just run, and equip yourself better so you can fight them, and have a decent chance.. tip 8: don't make a 1 block wide tower with no way down people can shoot you down and you will take fall damage plus the bow damage.
if this helped youif this blog helped you a lot!and don't forget to:for more!How To Do More Dmg In Hunger Games Minecraft 2How To Do More Dmg In Hunger Games Minecraft Song 10 HoursHow To Do More Dmg In Hunger Games Minecraft Server Ip AddressHow To Do More Dmg In Hunger Games Minecraft 1How To Do More Dmg In Hunger Games Minecraft DownloadGO HUNGER GAMES!Published on Mar 19th, 2013, 3/19/13 7:40 am1diamondsMay 26, 2012 How Long Can I Live In Someone's Base Before They Notice? Minecraft Home Invasion E1 - Duration: 12:16.. tip 6: if someone is chasing you with a bow, don't just run in a straight line This will make you easy to hit.. tip 3: if you have a bow, get to somewhere high A tree or mountain top will do fine.
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This ensures you are both fully equipped and ready for attack or defence tip 2: Run for cover.. If there is a jungle or forest near your spawning point, make sure to get there, this will provide good cover, and ambush will be easy.. tip 5: run quite far before getting wood if you don't, then you could be getting wood when the non-pvp period ends, and you will be attacked unexpectedly.. if you make a tower, make a small cabin on the top of the tower, with a little hole to see what is going on.. people can easily place sand that will fall and either kill you, or weaken you so they can kill you easily. Omnisphere 2 Sound Sources Won 039; T Load
tip 10: if there is a person who has better armour and a better sword than you, don't risk dying.. DO NOT use reviews to report bugs or ask for new features to be added These will be ignored. Hp Scanjet Adf C6270a Drivers For Mac
LoverFella Recommended for you (When you join, you will see 'Hunger-Games' on the left under 'PROJECTS-SUPPORT') REVIEWS: I appreciate all reviews, but I do ask that you keep them to the point of how this plugin operates.. be a nomad keep moving so people can't track you down easily tip 8: don't wander in the open.. this will allow you to be able to see quite far, and shoot people unexpectedly tip 4: Don't dig straight down and camp in a one-block wide hole.. tip 9: deceive the enemy if you see an enemy with a stone sword charging at you, and you have a wooden sword and an iron sword, have the wooden sword until they are close then switch to iron.. try and confuse them by running in zigzag patterns tip 7: don't camp in one place. 6e4e936fe3 Korean Fonts For Microsoft Word